Red Tent Gathering

Date(s) - Saturday, April 4, 2020
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Sacred Soul Yoga and Wellness Studio


What is a Red Tent Gathering?

It is a sacred time and space for us as women to come together in celebration to remember the temple of the body, and remember that as women, our menstruation cycles are the cycles of life.

Here, women gather together to tell stories, learn from elders, express feelings, be held without shame.

Imagine as you come into your menstruating time, having a place to go to sit, in quiet or speaking-your choice, among women who understand your needs, emotions and exhaustion. Imagine being in a safe place to mourn lost babies, and celebrate new life.
Imagine, a community of women who come to gather once a month to slow down, rest, listen or give, without judgement??

For our first Red Tent Gathering, Kim and Jo have invited in Lizzie Ball BSc. DC Homeopath to teach us what is really happening within our bodies through all 4 cycles of menstruation. How to align our life around our cycle, and honour and nourish each phase.

We will also have opening and closing circles for concerns, questions, sharing, and a womb space loving Meditation.

This gathering is limited to 20 women to maintain the sacred sanctuary and honour the intimate experience among women.

This event is limited to 20 women, and you must preregister.

A $20 investment in you.



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